Breshears Chiropractic Life Center

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


ADHD is something many kids are diagnosed with... Chiropractic can help these kids more than drugs, or any other type of stimulant. Check out this video from Bel Air Chiropractic.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Back Pain Improves

A patient came in complaining of back pain. They were really effected mentally and physically because of the amount of pain they were in. The chiropractic care improved their back condition tremendously and their pain is getting better every day. They have helped him significantly and he has very positive changes so he keeps coming back for more.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Athlete's Knee Pain No More

A patient came into the office due to knee pain primarily, but also back and shoulder pain. They were a high school aged student athlete, who played football and also did karate, but his knees were always hurting. He spent a lot of money on braces and athletic care. He went to a lot of different doctors to try and figure out what was wrong but no one could tell him what the problem was. He came here and Dr. Breshears found out what was wrong and has been working on helping me get back to 100%. He now feel relief from his knee pain and that his injury is rehabbing nicely. He has been able to get back to moving the way he needs to and can play all of his athletic sports again.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Back Pain

A patient came in due to bad back pain that made them feel yucky all the time. With chiropractic care, they now say that they feel so much better, and recommend chiropractic to others. They now come in to "not be hurting" any more.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Severe Nerve Dysfunction - Healing Success

A patient came into our office complaining of severe nerve dysfunction resulting in her having loss of mobility. She has been seeing our Doctors for about 1 month, on a regular basis due to a pinched nerve and other pain related problems. She now has a ton of relief from her pinched nerve, and generally feels a lot better. She absolutely recommends our clinic to others, and says all of her story is truly in her thank you to the doctors because they have changed her life and continue to help her feel great and be healthy!